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By:David Harvey
Published on 2007-01-04 by OUP Oxford
Neoliberalism - the doctrine that market exchange is an ethic in itself, capable of acting as a guide for all human action - has become dominant in both thought and practice throughout much of the world since 1970 or so. Its spread has depended upon a reconstitution of state powers such that privatization, finance, and market processes are emphasized. State interventions in the economy are minimized, while the obligations of the state to provide for the welfare of its citizens are diminished. David Harvey, author of 'The New Imperialism' and 'The Condition of Postmodernity', here tells the political-economic story of where neoliberalization came from and how it proliferated on the world stage. While Thatcher and Reagan are often cited as primary authors of this neoliberal turn, Harvey shows how a complex of forces, from Chile to China and from New York City to Mexico City, have also played their part. In addition he explores the continuities and contrasts between neoliberalism of the Clinton sort and the recent turn towards neoconservative imperialism of George W. Bush. Finally, through critical engagement with this history, Harvey constructs a framework not only for analyzing the political and economic dangers that now surround us, but also for assessing the prospects for the more socially just alternatives being advocated by many oppositional movements.
This Book was ranked at 38 by Google Books for keyword politics.
Book ID of A Brief History of Neoliberalism's Books is F5DZvEVt890C, Book which was written byDavid Harveyhave ETAG "EMVHwvvGbz0"
Book which was published by OUP Oxford since 2007-01-04 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780191622946 and ISBN 10 Code is 019162294X
Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "256 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryPolitical Science
Book was written in en
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